Summer Intensive Acting Workshop Wrap Up

Summer Intensive Acting Workshop Wrap Up

Our first Intensive Acting Workshop with Ana Valdes Lim was a fun, challenging, and thought-provoking experience. It was fascinating to watch participants, both beginners and veteran performers, open up and display their creativity. The session was filled with movement and improvisation exercises utilizing Ana’s engaging and holistic approach to nurturing acting skills. Under her expert guidance, we embarked on an exciting journey of artistic exploration.

From the very beginning, the workshop fostered a supportive and inclusive environment that encouraged participants to step out of their comfort zones. Ana set the tone for an enjoyable and empowering learning atmosphere. Her ability to break down complex concepts and techniques into digestible, actionable steps ensured that everyone felt at ease and was ready to explore their potential.

One aspect that made this workshop truly outstanding was its emphasis on movement exercises. These exercises not only helped us connect with our bodies but also enabled us to develop a deeper understanding of physicality and spatial awareness. By exploring various techniques such as inviting personal contact, mirroring, and group coordination, we were able to tap into a more profound level of expressiveness.

Improvisation exercises were another integral component of the workshop, and they truly brought out a lot of spontaneity and creativity. Participants were challenged to think on their feet, trust their instincts, and let go of inhibitions. It was remarkable to witness the transformative power of improvisation as we discovered hidden facets of our personalities and developed the confidence to react authentically.

The initial feedback we have received has been overwhelmingly positive. We believe this type of workshop will create a solid foundation of skills and techniques for performers of all levels. We’re currently planning a follow-up workshop for July 2023, and we’ll also be developing a monthly offering with a set curriculum and steady progression for people interested in enhancing their stage performance.

We hope to see you at the next workshop. Please follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) or sign up for our Newsletter for upcoming announcements.

About the author

Shawn Mahler administrator